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Worship at Faith Lutheran is scriptural and therefore...
  • Christ centered
  • Sacramental
  • Liturgical 
The Divine Service of God's Word and Sacraments is at the center of what God does to...
  • Save people from their sins
  • Prepare for the coming of His son 
Weekly Divine Service offers the opportunity to...
  • Gather together as God's People
  • Receive the gifts of his Word and Sacraments
  • Respond to God's gifts by sharing them in love with our neighbor
Faith Lutheran Church uses the liturgical texts that are found in Lutheran Service Book for worship. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday, as well as on additional festival days (such as Christmas, Ascension, etc.) The following orders of service are used ... 
  • Divine Service - Setting Three (Advent through the Epiphany of our Lord)
  • Divine Service - Setting One (The Baptism of our Lord through Holy Trinity Sunday)
  • Divine Service - Setting Four (First half of the Pentecost Season - summer months)
  • Divine Service -  Setting Three (Second half of the Pentecost Season - beginning Labor Day weekend and continuing through the end of the Chruch year)
Faith also uses the orders of Vespers and Evening Prayer at midweek evening services of the Word in the seasons of Advent and Lent. Private Confession & Absolution is available upon request. 
The Mission of Faith Lutheran Church 
In thankfulness to Christ for what He has done, it is the Misson of Faith Lutheran  Church to share the Gospel and provide Christian fellowship by preaching, teaching, and serving God in the community. 

Church News

2024-2025 Preschool Registrations open

Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 school year to Faith Lutheran Church members.  Unfortunately our Pre-K class is now full, but we are adding names to the wait list.  However, we still have openings in our 3's class.

If you know of someone who might be interested, please share this information with them. Preschool brochures and registration forms can be found in the Narthex.

If you have any questions, please contact the Director, Rebecca Shanton, at the Preschool, 317-468-0610, by text, 260-343-1602, or by email  [email protected].

Prayer Chain

Please contact Lori Yeager (email: [email protected]/ phone: (317) 431-9514 for prayer chain requests. You may also contact the church office (317) 462-4609

Ushers & Greeters needed

Ushers and Greeters are needed. Please contact Richard Curry or Jim Arthur if interested or desire more information.

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