Building Project

Building Project

In 1995, the congregation formed a committee to study the future of Faith Lutheran Church.  With the assistance from the Indiana District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, the committee presented a report to the congregation.   This reported contained information on the demographics of Greenfield, the growth of Faith Lutheran Church, and a survey of the physical property.
In August 1996, another committee was formed to survey the congregation to determine immediate and long-range needs.  Results of the survey indicated that the congregation felt am immediate need for more physical space.  The congregation voted in December 1996 to form a Building Committee and to move forward with an in-depth study of our physical needs.
The architect firm of Callahan Associates was selected to lead the congregation in creating a master plan.  The approved master plan called for the building of a new worship space connected to the existing worship area.   Future additions include a parochial school and expanded administrative offices.
All Saints Day, November 1, 1998, was a joyous occasion in the life of Faith Lutheran Church.   Beginnng in the existing worship space, the congregation soon moved to the building location and broke ground for the new addition.
After one year of construction, the new Narthex, Nave, and Chancel were dedicated on November 14, 1999. 
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